Do you know what is SEO and how to do it in a right way? Here we are going to update you about a step by step guide to SEO.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which is defined as a structural process through which the operators can get organic, natural, editorial and free search results on the search engines.
Google, Yahoo, and Bing are some of the major search engines on which various kinds of websites, blog sites, news channels etc are being ranked according to their relevance to the viewers or users. SEO is a procedure through which we can easily analyze and interpret the growing demand of the online traffic for the search engine results.

what is seo step by step guide

What is Search Engine Optimization?

In order to have in-depth knowledge about what is SEO, let’s have a look at the following components:

1. Quality of Traffic:

It is advised that the website should only attract the right kind of targeted users who are genuinely interested in the products or a blog post. For instance, Google might think that a person is a valuable resource who is interested in Apple products and its gadgets on the contrary, he came out to be a farmer selling apples who cannot be named as quality traffic for SEO analysis.

2. The Quantity of Traffic:

Once the right kind of targeted users are being set, then the next step is to increase the number of a specific traffic group in order to get high website SEO ranking which would result in an increase in the profit margins and popularity in the digital world.

3. Organic Results:

Organic results refers to the data or content for which the user is not charged. These results are the building blocks of the SEO guide. For example, pop up ads in between the blog post are free of cost to the viewer and creates a healthy earning atmosphere for both the user and the blog owner.

A Beginner’s Guide to SEO

Given below are some of the basic components of SEO which are essential for the formation and success of the new world of ranking the online traffic:

1. SEO-friendly Website:

There must be an online website in order to get ranked in the SEO. This website must follow all the rules and norms of SEO. Moreover, it should be attractive and eloquent involving internal links, graphics, pictures, videos and designs in it.

2. On-site Topics:

The topic specified in a particular website must contain all the relevant and organic content in it. The content must be specific, precise and well explained. It must have internal links and specific keywords in order to increase the understanding of the users.

3. Link-Related Topics:

The internal links provide in-depth knowledge about a particular topic on the website. In order to learn SEO, you must know about the anchor texts and guest blogging.

How to do Search Engine Optimization?

Once you type the specified keyword in the search box, Google offers a list of hundreds of search results. Following are some of the essential parameters on the basis of which the whole concept of SEO formation depends on upon:

1. Relevancy:

It is considered one of the most important essentials of SEO. All the data shown in the search results must be related to the specified keyword. It should not be irrelevant and must provide all the basic information about the keyword to its viewers.

2. Usefulness:

The content specified in the website must be useful with a few internal links and good quality content in it. It must be organized in a systematic manner and easy to understand in order to grab a huge proportion of the audience from the market.

3. Authority:

The beginner’s guide to SEO has given the much-needed importance to the authority in SEO formation. Google has a unique method known as backlinks for measuring this parameter in the ranking analysis. Backlinks act as an intermediary metric that links one website to the other. Thus, higher the number of backlinks on the website, higher will be its scaling on the authoritative user board.

Customer Research and Keywords

The success and growth of Search Engine Optimization analytics largely depend upon the Customer Persona and the keywords mentioned in the content.

1. Customer Personal

It involves all the users and viewers of content on the website or blog posts. These are the people who come across the search results in order to find a solution to a problem, for research or for increasing their knowledge about a particular concept. Customer Persona is similar to the resume of a job applicant as it specifies all the basic credentials of a user along with its likings, search history, and preferences on the internet. There are various tools and platforms available in the online market through which we can create a detailed statement of customer research such as HubSpot’s Make My Persona Tool.

2. Keywords

Keywords is regarded as the most essential component of Search Engine Optimization. It is the first step from which the whole process of SEO initiates. Also, keywords are a combination of phrases and words that specify a particular group of data. These keywords are present in the content of different websites and the Google interlinks these keywords with the words mentioned in the search box.

There are mainly two types of keywords

Product Keywords:

These are those keywords that mention a short, precise and specific detail about a product in 2 to 3 words. For Example, Productivity coach, To-Do List, Productivity Techniques and many more

Informative Keywords:

These set of keywords provide much-needed information to the target audience. These keywords are random words which are generally searched when the user does not have any relevant keyword in their mind. These keywords might be of 3 to 5 words. For example, To-Do List application templates details, Productivity analysis measuring reports methods and many more.

If you have any doubts or queries related to any part of this tutorial, then feel free to drop a comment in the comments section below. Cheers!

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